Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tornado video add-on

Video by Bob Verdon and Ryan Decker from WKTV: "Tornado Touching Down......"


"National Weather Service Investigating Possible Tornado" from WKTV.

"Viewer says he saw Funnel Cloud Touch Down...." from WKTV.

"Storm slams Oneida County; tornado possibly hits in Clinton area" from the O-D.

MINUTES BEFORE ..............

At just a bit after 12:30, yesterday, I spotted three enormous "bean- pickers" creeping along rows in a field just south of Hannaford's in Clinton / Franklin Springs.

I was on my way to Savicki's (for corn) and then decided to wind my way through Hanover to see if similar harvests were taking place there. As soon as I turned onto Lewis Road from Rt. 12 I saw this, and came to a complete stop! I really did live in Kansas for several years and have great respect for big black clouds! This one, however, didn't seem to be moving at all, so I kept going.

From Lewis I continued on to Sally Road (no bean pickers, yet) and turned right onto Hanover Road. As I crested the hill at the cemetery I met a great "white wall" coming across the fields, and within a few seconds rain was falling so hard that I couldn't see anything at all, so ......... I pulled 'way off the road and just sat!

The "blog car" rocked and swayed a little, in the wind, but no trees or anything else flew by and a minute or two later it ended and the sun came out!

View from Shanley near Gridley-Paige Road.

It wasn't until much later that I checked the news and realized that there really HAD been a "twister!"


This photograph (courtesy of Patty Harding Ford) of the funnel cloud itself was taken by Isaiah Spooner.

According to Patty, "The boys were out on a bike ride when it hit!"



From WKTV: "Sunny weather returns Wednesday. Increasing levels of heat and humidity later this week along with the chance of thunderstorms Thursday through Saturday. Staying seasonably warm through Sunday and Monday."




11:00 - 7:00

followed by

Karl Davis and "All Tuned Up"


If you missed yesterday's brief blog post:

Very Important NOTICE

An amount of money (paper currency) was found Tuesday morning in the parking lot between the Fire House and Municipal Hall in Waterville.

To identify and claim, please Click Here! to Email the blogger with a description / amount of money lost and the denominations of the bills. Be sure to include your name and telephone number.



AYSO Soccer Fall Registration
Tuesday, August 2nd
Waterville Public Library

This is the last registration for the fall.
Contact Registrar Kristine Prindle 430-0253
or Coach Administrator Gwenn Werner at with any questions.



Western Boundary of Civilization.

Does that mean that we're living on "The Far Side"?

I like it!


Have a great day, everyone!

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